Wieman Land & Auction Company

Honest And Fair Treatment Since 1949!

Wieman Land & Auction Co., Inc. is a third generation family company that was start by Earl Wieman in 1949. Wieman Auction has grown over the past 70+ years but one thing is still the same. We offer fair, honest, and courteous treatment to everyone. Whether it is buying or selling your land, home, farm, business, farm equipment, or other personal property, we are here to make that process a little bit easier. There is no job too big or too small, so give us a call and we would be happy to work with you.

Our Next Auction!

Aune Land Packet thumbnail 3.jpg
Owners: Aune Family Trust
When: Tuesday , January 28th,2025 at 10:30 AM
Where: Irene, SD

Our family has decided to offer the following land for sale at public auction to be held at the Broomtree Retreat Conference Center 29827 446th Ave. Irene, SD.

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Just Arrived

2015 JD S680 Combine

Asking: $90,000.00
Lot Number: 661
S/N: 1H0S680SLE0775014
Description: 2806/2047Hrs, 2WD, Leather Interior, AHC, DAS, F&A, CM, SP Hookup, 5 Speed FH, 26' Hi-Capacity Unload Auger, GN Star 7' Display & Auto Steer Ready, Chopper, Power Tail Board, Std Bin Ext, Good Year 520/85/42 Rubber, Firestone 750/65R26 Rears, Lots of Money Spent on Machine

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