Friday, March 14th, 2025 at 10:30 AM
Friday, March 14th, 2025 at 10:30 AM
Our family has decided to offer the following land for sale at public auction on the land site located from Salem, SD go 5-miles north on Hwy. 81 turn east on 247th go 2-miles turn north on 443rd Ave go ¼ mile north, east side of the road or 1 ½ miles south of Center, SD.
It is our privilege to offer this mostly all tillable tract of land located in the tightly held Brookfield Twp of McCook County in partnership with Salem Reality. Property is in an excellent farming area where land is rarely available for sale. Potential for gravel and rock excavation exists with bore tests available from Geotek. Come and check it out!
LEGAL: The N ½ of the SW ¼ of Section 17, 104-54 McCook County, South Dakota
LOCATION: Land auction held on site near the junction of 247th St. and 443rd Ave.
- 75.54 acres tillable balance in waterway, grass, and road right of ways.
- Planted to winter wheat and is subject to cash lease for 2025 crop year. Buyer to receive $150/acre or $12,000 at closing
- Soil Production rating of 57.3 overall. East ½ of the property has all class 2 soils with 77-88 ratings. 2-Building eligibilities transfer with property.
- Results of Geotek bore tests are available on our website. Reflects some gravel deposits with ample large rocks
- Base & Yield Info and other pertinent info found in the buyers packet
TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY: We invite you to inspect the property at your convenience. Buyers Packet & drone video footage can be viewed at wiemanauction.com. Property is planted to winter wheat and drive on inspections can only be done if ground is froze.
TERMS: Cash sale with 15% (non-refundable) down payment sale day with the balance on or before April 25, 2025. Warranty Deed to be granted with the cost of title insurance split 50-50 between buyer and seller. Seller to pay all 2024 taxes. Buyer to pay all 2025 taxes. Sold subject to owners approval and all easements and restrictions of record. Wieman Auction and Salem Reality (Darwin Miiller) represent the sellers. Remember land auction held on the land site.
Wieman Land & Auction Co. Inc. The Title Company
Marion, SD 800-251-3111 Closing Agent
www.wiemanauction.com 605-996-3270