154 Acres McCook County Land Auction
154 Acres McCook County Land Auction
Friday, December 8th, 2023 at 10:30 AM
Friday, December 8th, 2023 at 10:30 AM
We have decided to offer the following land for sale at public auction located in the heated Wieman Auction Facility located 1-mile south and ½ mile west of Marion on Hwy. 44.
10:30 A.M.
It is our pleasure to offer this unique property with Lake Front Development potential on the NW side of Lake Vermillion. Rolling pasture hills with powerful tillable land would allow developers, farmers, cow-calf operators or acreage buyers a property loaded with possibilities. There is a total of 1190’ of lake/river access which allows the ability to walk to your own private boat dock in your privately owned cove. Check out the drone video footage or come take a tour and let your mind dream!
LEGAL: The NE ¼ of Section 22, 102-53 McCook County, South Dakota
LOCATION: From Lake Time Steakhouse go 2 ½ mile north on 451st Ave turn east on 259th St. road dead ends into property or from I-90 exit 374 (Montrose Exit) go 2 ½ miles south turn east on 259th St.
* 75.02 acres tillable with 78.62 acres in rolling pasture.
* Soil Production rating of 54.7 overall with soil ratings of 69-86 on the tillable land
* New buyer able to lease out or farm for the 2024 crop year. Annual Taxes $2,273.12.
* Entire Tract is Zoned Lake Residential, see buyers packet for zoning rules and regulations
* Aerial & Soil Maps, Base & Yield Info, and other pertinent info. found in the buyers packet
* Mineral Rights are reserved by the State of South Dakota acting through its Rural Credit Board.
This was filed on March 11, 1943 and has been kept current.
TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY: We invite you to inspect the property at your convenience. Drone video footage and buyers packet can be viewed by visiting www.wiemanauction.com or contact the auctioneers at 800-251-3111 and packets can be mailed out.
TERMS: Cash sale with 15% (non-refundable) down payment auction day with the balance on or before January 18, 2024. Warranty deed to be granted with the cost of title insurance split 50-50 between buyer and seller. Seller to pay all 2023 taxes in full. New buyer will be responsible for all 2024 taxes. Sold subject to the owners approval and all easements and restrictions of record. Remember auction to be held in the Wieman Auction Facility.